Análisis de la Demanda del Talento Humano del Subsector de Educación Terciaria en Barrancabermeja para el Periodo del 2023

Citación en APA
Mejía Duarte, Stephany Yuriel
Orozco Quintero, Juan Gicela
Gómez Márquez, Greg Rey
Ramirez Silva, Juán Carlos
Mostrar el registro completo del ítemDescripción
Administración, Marketing, Contabilidad, Talento Humano, Gestión y Liderazgo
Inside this project has done an analysis to find the need for human talent demand inside to third educational sub-sector in Barrancabermeja. Therefore, has proposed objectives for identifying the offer to jobs; establishing new chances of jobs; designing occupational and professional profile womb, and determining the difference between occupational profile and professional profiles requirement.
The methodology used in this investigation project was research apply investigation and field research, which means through direct observation, interviews, and analysis of documents provided for many companies in this sector. As like, do surveys of CEOs as employees, meetings for presentation proposals, and objectives formulated
Talento Humano, Gestión, Estructura, Empleo, Oportunidades
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